Happy Women’s Day

Posted on: 8 Mar 2024

Happy Women’s Day

There’s no better way to celebrate Women’s Day than to prioritize your health, and that of the women in your life.

Worldwide Statistics

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart disease is responsible for 25% of deaths among women, yet historically, because men were more likely to be affected by it, women’s cardiac health was ignored. Consequently, earlier symptoms were not caught until the disease had progressed. According to the Center for Disease and Control Prevention, long-term symptoms include:

  • Heaviness in the chest
  • Pain in the neck, jaw or throat, upper abdomen or back
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue

Symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, shortness of breath and weakness in arms. If you experience any, or all, of these symptoms you should call emergency services.

The easiest steps to look after your heart are to control your blood pressure, avoid smoking, engage in low-intensity exercise for half an hour every day, and maintain a healthy weight through eating nutritious food.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is common among women. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends having an annual mammogram and carrying out monthly self-checks. Whilst standing in front of a mirror, check regularly for any changes in the skin, and feel for lumps using a light pressure, checking from under your armpits, making circular motions on and under the breast.

You should notify your doctor if you notice any changes, see discharge or feel pain.

Depression And Anxiety

More women than men are affected by depression, and this in part may be due to hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, there are particular disorders related to depression that may affect a woman throughout her lifetime, other than PMS, such as perinatal depression which can start from pregnancy and continue after childbirth, and perimenopausal depression, which can start as a woman begins menopause.

The signs to look out for are irritability, a loss of sex drive, loss of motivation, low self-esteem, feeling hopeless, feeling tired, and changes in appetite and in sleep patterns. In some, suicidal thoughts can also occur.

Depression is a treatable condition, especially if you seek support early on. Speak to a professional if you have had any of the symptoms for two or more weeks.

Prevention is better than cure

Repeatedly, these steps are found to benefit our health in a number of ways, from reducing various cancers, improving heart health as well as being beneficial to mental wellness:

Adopt a healthier eating pattern.

  • Add fruits and vegetables into your diet that are rich in antioxidants which, are shown, to support disease prevention, have a beneficial effect in brain function, aid the cardiovascular system, reduce inflammation, and contribute to mental health improvements.
  • Drink water instead of sugary and caffeine rich drinks to improve digestion, aid in regulating the body’s temperature and maintain the body’s electrolyte balance.
  • Limit saturated and trans fats as well as sodium, as both are related to heart related issues to which women are more prone to as they grow.
  • Consume lean meats rather than processed or fatty cuts, and exchange salt with herbs and spices.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

  • Engage in team sports, this could also have the additional advantage of being a way to socialize if you meet others.

Stay Connected

  • Keep your lines of communication open. Feeling connected with others releases oxytocin, the hormone that is responsible for erasing the effects of stress.

Let Women’s Day serve as a reminder to schedule your monthly and yearly check-ups.

Happy Women’s Day!

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